Sunday, December 19, 2010

Expanding the jungle

My first phase of Vege jungle

Expanding the jungle

I started my vegetable jungle about a month ago. I start with cos lettuce, mini brocolli, cabbage, carrot, spinach and capsicum. All from punnets that I bought from local gardening supply shop. Thanks to Allah that everything grows well despite of the catepillar problem here and there but i manage to overcome it without using any pestiside. I will share with you one how i did it in some other posting.

Having my vegetable grow has somehow outgrow others who was slow. So to help the late grower I transplant it to another new plot which I've already prepare it about 2 days ago. There are 2 reason why I move some of the plants, to provide space for this slow growing plant so that it could have all the nutrien without having to fight with its competition and to provide shade to the younglings.

Younglings under the protective shade cover
Water Spinach (Kangkung) was salvage from the excess stem. 
The whole concept of jungle is to have an ecosystem for the vegetable to help each other to grow. When the plot is bushy it provides shades which help to reduce the rate of evaporation of the soil hence it helps to sustain the moist in the plot. It also helps to stabilize the temperature of the soil which help to reduce the growth disturbance of plant. At the same time it helps the young plant and the newly sown seed to grow. At the end of the day we will have an on going growing plot which is self sustainable. However, my advise is please do consult with a companion planting guide on the placing of the plant itself.

You can get it from these links:

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